Terms and Conditions

  1. Definitions
    ‘Subscriber’ or ‘Subscribing Organisation’ is ‘your organisation’ and means a single entity with a subscription to Support At Home HQ.
    ‘Registered Individual’ is the person a firm nominates and registers as a ‘user’ of the benefits.
    ‘Benefits’ or ‘Services’ refer to the services received by the registered user, described in section 3, subscription details.

  2. Introduction
    Welcome to Support At Home HQ, a subscription service provided by Enkindle Consulting Pty Ltd. By subscribing to Support At Home HQ, you agree to the following terms and conditions.

  3. Subscription Details
    1. The Support At Home HQ subscription is designed for groups of up to 5 individuals from one organisation. For more than 5 individuals, additional subscriptions must be acquired. Please contact subscriptions@supportathomeHQ.com.au for further clarification.
    2. The subscription provides the following benefits for the 5 registered individuals:
      1. Free access to Enkindle Consulting’s monthly webinars & reform updates: Registered individuals will either be automatically registered or receive VIP access codes for webinars (including our monthly reform updates). Recordings will be made available for 14 days post webinar.
      2. Access to the Support At Home HQ Help Desk: This desk is available for general advice and questions related to the reform and aged care programs and is primarily provided by email. While we will seek to clarify unclear questions, users must use their professional judgement when acting on our answers.
        In some circumstances, the help desk question you ask will be out of the scope of the service we provide. For example, if the question is outside of our areas of expertise or if it is so extensive, it will constitute a formal opinion. We reserve the right to deem a question outside of the scope of the service and will advise you if this is the case. Support At Home HQ does not provide legal or financial advice does not include consultancy services or personnel attending meetings.
      3. Access to Support At Home HQ ‘subscription website’: Where registered individuals will have access to knowledge base articles, planning and implementation tools, including the new Aged Care Act, Support at Home, and associated reforms published and made available on the Support At Home HQ ‘subscription website’.
      4. Access to the Support at Home Q&A database: Which includes a repository of help desk questions asked by users and the answers provided by us that we think may benefit the broader community. The answers provided relate exclusively to the question as asked and should not be applied to any other situation. They are not intended to be advice and users should not act specifically on the basis of the information in the help desk question and answer alone.
      5. Access to the Support At Home HQ Community on Facebook: Joining the Support At Home HQ community is at the individual user’s discretion. Individuals must agree to the group rules before joining. Individual users should be aware that this group is not moderated and therefore we cannot guarantee the information within this group, they are considered user opinions.
        Registered individuals should use their professional and personal discretion when interacting or reviewing posts in this group and are encouraged to use their discretion to leave the group at any time. Unprofessional conduct and bullying will not be tolerated. Removal of an individual user from the group is at the sole discretion of Support At Home HQ. Furthermore, individual users will be removed from the group when they are no longer registered subscriber user.
        We reserve the right to modify the subscription from time to time. This includes adding or removing elements of this service or changing how it is delivered.

  4. Changes to Registered Individuals
    Subscribers can request changes to the 5 registered individuals by emailing subscriptions@supportathomeHQ.com.au or the organisation’s master account owner can change subscribers via the Account Setting on your master account. Approval of changes is limited to when a registered individual leaves the organisation or changes positions.

  5. Invoicing Terms and Conditions
    1. Payment Methods
      Subscribers can make immediate payments through credit cards or opt for an invoice to be issued. Subscriptions can be renewed via credit card or invoice.
    2. Due Dates
      Invoices are subject to 14-day payment terms.
    3. Late Payments
      Support At Home HQ reserves the right to suspend access to services until the invoice is paid.
    4. Disputes
      Any complaints or disputes can be made to subscriptions@supportathomeHQ.com.au

  6. Support At Home HQ Refund Policy
    1. Event and Training Product Alterations
      Support At Home HQ reserves the right to alter, amend, or cancel any event and training product or member subscription advertised.
    2. Refunds
      All refunds are at the discretion of Support At Home HQ. Support At Home HQ will exchange purchases deemed defective. If an exchange is not available, a similar product or service will be issued. If a similar product is not available, a credit note will be provided.

  7. Subscription Cancellation Policy
    1. Cancellation
      You may cancel your subscription at any time by writing to subscriptions@supportathomeHQ.com.au. However, subscriptions are non-refundable, and there is no right to refunds or credits unless required by law.
    2. Effect of Cancellation
      Although you may cancel your subscription at any time, the cancellation will only take effect at the end of your current subscription period. You will not receive a refund for any unused portion from the date of cancellation until the end of the subscription period. You will still have access to the subscription services for the remainder of the period you have paid for.

  8. Copyright and ownership
    The Support At Home HQ documents, templates, resources and recorded webinars are for the use of the registered individuals only. The Support At Home HQ documents, templates, resources and recorded webinars are not to be distributed or on-sold in any form. Registered individuals can use and amend the documents, templates and resources while their organisation remains a subscriber. We retain the property of the tools, templates, documents and resources developed by Enkindle Consulting Pty Ltd.

  9. Implied Warranties
    We give no express warranty in relation to the supply of the services and acknowledge that you have not relied on any representation or warranty made by us or on our behalf.

  10. Materials and Omissions
    While we take care to ensure the information presented within the Support At Home HQ is accurate, we are not liable for third-party errors or omissions or where material supplied to us is incorrect or not compliant with all laws. If you notify us of any errors, compliance issues, or deficiencies, we will investigate and rectify them within twenty-one (21) days.

  11. Your obligation to us
    1. Subscriber organisations will only allow registered individuals to access the Support At Home HQ benefits. Furthermore, registered users must be subscribers, employees, volunteers or members of their governing body.
    2. Registered individuals will have their account details, and these are not to be shared or distributed.
    3. Registered individuals or subscriber organisations will not on-sell or distribute services provided as part of this subscription outside of the subscriber organisation.

  12. Support At Home HQ Support
    1. Contact Us
      Feel free to contact us at subscriptions@supportathomeHQ.com.au if you have any questions or need further clarification.
      We look forward to supporting your organisation through the Support At Home HQ Service.